Watercolor Florals

As summer draws to a close the desire to retain a reminder of beautiful gardens and exquisite flowers can become a priority. With this in mind, I have posted several Watercolor Florals on the home page of greenhorsestudio.com which may do just that.

Many were drawn and painted in the Muttart Conservatory which is a Botanical Garden located in the river valley of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. They bring back memories of delightful afternoons wandering among the pavilions and choosing perhaps an exotic scene in the Tropical Pavilion, or maybe a seasonal display of familiar blooms in the Show Pavilion, and settling down to work. The opportunities were endless!

I found myself attracted often to scenes that were weighted on the cooler side of the color wheel - blues, greens, purples. These colors seemed to have a quiet beauty about them and gave a sense of restfulness and peace. The example below is called “Blue Ginger”, in which the tall spikes of blue flowers with long rippling green leaves are quite eye-catching. The cool colors impart a feeling of mystery, stillness and peace.