Patterns - You can make up your Own!

Yes, that’s right. Just take your favorite shapes, lines, symbols and motifs, repeat them in a predictable order and you will create your own pattern.

It may be arcs of flowers and dots such as I have used in “Sundown”, (see below), with alternating arcs of dots in a complementary color. Triangles in the sky add texture, and a row of trees, one of my favorite motifs, add a sense of depth and place to the scene. The three horses themselves create an asymmetrical pattern. They are evenly spaced but facing in alternating directions. Two out of three are smaller and colored the same shade of reddish brown as the setting sun while the focal point horse is white with an orange triangular pattern echoing the sky. In other words, they are the same, but not the same.

These shapes and lines have been arranged not only to be decorative, but to “Tell a Story” of hills and valleys under the setting sun. A perfect place for horses to live and roam freely.